Rae Beth


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Hedge Witch

Published by Robert Hale
August 1992
192 pages

Lamp Of The Goddess

Published by Robert Hale
February 2001
160 pages

The Hedge Witch's Way

Published by Robert Hale
January 2003 (paperback)
176 pages

Spellcraft For Hedge Witches

Published by Robert Hale
November 2008 (paperback)
176 pages

The Nine Magical Ways

Published by Hexenpress
December 2005 (eBook)
52 pages

The Green Hedge Witch

Published by Robert Hale
June 2009
176 pages

The Way Into Faerie

February 6th 2017
Published by Hale - an inprint of The Crowood Press

144 pages




Hedge Witch

Published by Robert Hale
August 1992
192 pages

Written in the form of letters from an experienced witch to her two apprentices, solitary witchcraft is offered, not as a substitute for coven worship, but as a fulfilling lifestyle in its own right.

This book provides spells for all the key festivals of the witch's calendar - describing the therapeutic powers of trancework and herbalism and outlining the Pagan approach to finding a partner. Rae Beth explains the importance of the Goddess and her consort, the Horned God, as sources of spiritual strength and worship. She extols the feminine principles of healing and regeneration as well as attacking greed and self-interest which jeopardize the planet's very future.

Her lyrical letters, accompanied by pen-and-ink sketches, bring the reader to an understanding of the solitary witch's lifestyle and beliefs.

Published in the US as The Wiccan Path

The Wiccan Path

Published by Crossing Press
March 1995
190 pages

The Wiccan Path is a word for word reproduction of Hedge Witch for the US market. Don't buy them both by accident!


Hedge Witch Kindle Edition (English)

Published by Robert Hale
January 2018
195 pages


Hedge Witch Audio Book

Published by Tantor
March 2021
6 hours



Lamp Of The Goddess

Published by Robert Hale
February 2001
160 pages

At the dawn of a new era we are drawn to modern Goddess spirituality. Rae Beth feels the world can change by sharing our personal spiritual experiences with each other. She has gone within herself for this book of recollections, inner guidance and ancient teachings (which was originally published as Reincarnation and the Dark Goddess).

She explains individual reincarnation as a microcosm of Earth's great cycles of existence and as a means of developing the love and wisdom needed to manifest the true beauty of the spirit realm. Along with instructions for recalling past lives and developing psychic skills, she gives descriptions of the Otherworld (where we go between lives) as the land of the Dark Goddess - the Queen of the Dead.

This is not a fearsome place, but a joyful spirit land where healing flows, whether we approach it from its peripheries in dreams, in meditation, or between incarnations. Rae Beth also includes thoughtful interpretations of various myths of the Goddess in her many aspects - Isis, Kali, Mary Magdalene, Persephone and Tiamat - to name but a few. "Lamp of the Goddess" looks at reincarnation from the viewpoint of a present-day priestess who honours the Deep Feminine, or the Goddess, as Mother of Souls, as well as the Earth Mother of physical existence. This sharing vision is relevant to us all, in our process of discovery and rebirth.

Originally published in the UK as: Reincarnation And The Dark Goddess

Reincarnation And The Dark Goddess

Published by Robert Hale
June 1994
160 pages

"Looks at reincarnation from the spiritual viewpoint of one who honours the Deep Famine, or Goddess, as Mother of Souls, as well as the Earth Mother of physical existence. Above all, this is a rejoicing book - describing psychic practices that promote life and spiritual healing".Amazon UK

Copies of this book sometimes appear for sale at high prices.  If you are not an avid collector, just get a copy of Lamp Of The Goddess, it's the same book, albeit with what I consider to be an inferior front cover. If you must have the lady with the cauldron, check prices of the US version (below) of Lamp Of The Goddess. It's the same book.

Published in the US as Lamp Of The Goddess

Lamp Of The Goddess - US Edition

Published by Red Wheel/Weiser
October 1995
160 pages

As the millenium approaches, we are drawn to modern Goddess spirituality. By sharing our personal spiritual experiences with each other, Rae Beth feels the world will change. She goes within for this book of recollections, inner guidance, and ancient teachings.

She explains individual reincarnation as a microcosm of Earth's great cycles of existence, as a means of developing the love and wisdom needed to manifest the true beauty of the spirit realm. Along with structions for recalling past lives and developing psychic skills, she gives descriptions of the Otherworld (where we go between lives) as the land of the Dark Goddess--the Queen of the Dead.

This is not a fearsome place, but a joyful spirit land where healing flows, whether we approach it from its peripheries in dreams, meditation, or between incarnations. Rae Beth also includes thoughtful interpretations of various myths of the Goddess in her many aspects--Isis, Kali, Mary Magdalene, Persephone, and Tiamet--to name a few.

This book looks at reincarnation from the viewpoint of a present-day priestess who honors the Deep Feminine, of the Goddess, as Mother of Souls, as the Earth Mother of physical existence. This sharing vision is relevant to us all, in our process of discovery and rebirth.


Lamp Of The Goddess - Kindle Edition (English)

Published by Robert Hale
January 2018

At the dawn of a new era we are drawn to modern Goddess spirituality. Rae Beth feels the world can change by sharing our personal spiritual experiences with each other. She has gone within herself for this book of recollections, inner guidance and ancient teachings (which was originally published as Reincarnation and the Dark Goddess). She explains individual reincarnation as a microcosm of Earth's great cycles of existence and as a means of developing the love and wisdom needed to manifest the true beauty of the spirit realm. Along with instructions for recalling past lives and developing psychic skills, she gives descriptions of the Otherworld (where we go between lives) as the land of the Dark Goddess - the Queen of the Dead. This is not a fearsome place, but a joyful spirit land where healing flows, whether we approach it from its peripheries in dreams, in meditation, or between incarnations. Rae Beth also includes thoughtful interpretations of various myths of the Goddess in her many aspects - Isis, Kali, Mary Magdalene, Persephone and Tiamat - to name but a few. Lamp of the Goddess looks at reincarnation from the viewpoint of a present-day priestess who honours the Deep Feminine, or the Goddess, as Mother of Souls, as well as the Earth Mother of physical existence. This sharing vision is relevant to us all, in our process of discovery and rebirth.



The Hedge Witch's Way

Published by Robert Hale
January 2003 (paperback)
176 pages

Here is a guide to the magical spirituality of the hedge witch, which describes a path that is profound and yet simple - uncluttered by complex ritual, a matter of the heart. The hedge witch is a solitary witch and natural mystic who practises wildwood mysticism, so called because it is the knowledge at the root of the tree of witchcraft. Explained in detail are the witch's prayers, spell-casting and communication with spirits and faeries, including those spirits travelling in the three realms of the magical otherworld. The values and ethics of this most ancient tradition may surprise and delight with their blend of common sense, compassion and wildness. (It is not a spiritual way for conformists!) This book opens the door to all those who feel they are natural witches but are, as yet, uninstructed. The Hedge Witch's Way is a guide for witches of either gender - potential wisewomen or wisemen - that presents the faerie-led practices of our ancestors, in a modern-day context.

'Covers everything a solitary witch needs.' Cauldron

'A great introduction and a book that is recommended for the solo worker.' Northern Earth

Published in the US as The Wiccan Way

The Wiccan Way

Published by Phoenix Publishing
April 2002
176 pages

Magical Spirituality for the Solitary Pagan. The Wiccan Way is filled with simple acts of sacredness and ways to bring magic to your daily life. This evocative book for connecting with the wisdom of prayer, enchantment, and healing magic begins with a thorough description of what prayer means to the Pagan mystic: an attitude of reverence toward nature and its creatures. Prayer and spells are highlighted throughout this enriching book. You will learn: How to create magical prayers; Prayers and spells for health, wealth, and good fortune; How to get help from a familiar spirit; Steps along the path; How to consecrate an altar; Prayers for the eight sabbats. The author's lyrical writing style brings to life the way of magic and the importance of honoring the spirit of all beings. The Wiccan Way, written for the solitary practitioner, is easy to use.

The Wiccan Way is a word for word reproduction of The Hedge Witch's Way for the US market. Don't buy them both by accident!


The Hed Witche's Way Kindle Edition

Published by Robert Hale
January 2008
157 pages



Spellcraft For Hedge Witches

Published by Robert Hale
November 2008 (paperback)
176 pages

Village wisewomen and men, the community's witches, have always helped to heal wounded lives. When disaster strikes, such as serious illness or some kind of abuse or loss, or when we're struggling through things such as divorce or family conflict, today's hedge witchcraft can still give us the means to help ourselves or others. There are, for example, spells to banish the spirits of cruelty or injustice. There are ways of countering the ill effects of spiteful thoughts which others may hold about us. We can rebuild our sense of ourselves by magic that holds us true to our real life purpose, throughout any crisis. What is presented here is not superficial and not a shortcut. Rather, it is a powerful process, a method which can be adapted to any situation where help may be needed.


Spellcraft For Hedge Witches Kindle Edition

Published by Robert Hale
January 2018
158 pages



The Nine Magical Ways

Published by Hexenpress
December 2005 (eBook)
52 pages

Author's Description:
Anyone can do magic, once they know how, just as anyone learn to cook, even if not quite so well as an expert chef. An understanding of magic belongs to us all and is a birthright. Our ancestors were well aware of this. Much as they seem to have respected the experts, their wisewomen or shamanic healers (the people who had made a profound study of magic and undergone initiations into its deeper mysteries) they knew that there are some everyday uses of magic, to which all have access. In every ancient culture, right from Australia to America, Europe and everywhere else as well, they knew about natural magic and used it for many purposes. This is not because most of our ancestors were superstitious fools, and lacking in knowledge, but because they knew some things rather better than we do now.



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The Green Hedge Witch

The Green Hedge Witch Hardback

Published by Robert Hale
June 2009
176 pages

Author's Description:
Tells of a hedge witchcraft in which we may work in hedgerows or on other boundaries, treating them as symbolic borders between the human everyday world and the domains of elves, nature spirits and other otherworldly presences. In this way we achieve communion with those from more subtle dimensions and can join our magic with theirs, to the benefit of all, creating new harmony.

There is actually nothing new in these ideas. They are based on the work of the ancient Northern European Hagazissa, the 'Hedge-sitter', one who worked on the boundary between the human community and that of spirits to promote harmony between wild areas (such as a forest) and cultivated human lands (such as a farm or settlement) so that each could be sound and healthy.

Publisher's Description
Rae Beth, author of the bestselling "Hedge Witch", brings us a whole new world of witchcraft and magic in her new book, "The Green Hedge Witch". The author blends the ancient tradition of wildwood mysticism with a subject that is supremely relevant for our modern day lives - the environment. Concerns about our world and environment have never been stronger, and through a mixture of spirit travelling, spells, wands, broomsticks and familiars, the author shows us how we can not only heal the human relationship with the rest of nature, but also to help bring evolution to the human concepts of nature. A book for both budding spell-casters and experienced workers as well, "The Green Hedge Witch" teaches how we can develop a relationship with those spirit presences who dwell in or can be psychically contacted through nature.

THE GREEN HEDGE WITCH Paperback (2018)

The Green Hedge Witch Paperback

Published by Hale - an inprint of The Crowood Press
February 2018
176 pages

Tells of a hedge witchcraft in which we may work in hedgerows or on other boundaries, treating them as symbolic borders between the human everyday world and the domains of elves, nature spirits and other otherworldly presences. In this way we achieve communion with those from more subtle dimensions and can join our magic with theirs, to the benefit of all, creating new harmony.

There is actually nothing new in these ideas. They are based on the work of the ancient Northern European Hagazissa, the 'Hedge-sitter', one who worked on the boundary between the human community and that of spirits to promote harmony between wild areas (such as a forest) and cultivated human lands (such as a farm or settlement) so that each could be sound and healthy.

Rae Beth, author of the bestselling "Hedge Witch", brings us a whole new world of witchcraft and magic in her new book, "The Green Hedge Witch". The author blends the ancient tradition of wildwood mysticism with a subject that is supremely relevant for our modern day lives - the environment. Concerns about our world and environment have never been stronger, and through a mixture of spirit travelling, spells, wands, broomsticks and familiars, the author shows us how we can not only heal the human relationship with the rest of nature, but also to help bring evolution to the human concepts of nature. A book for both budding spell-casters and experienced workers as well, "The Green Hedge Witch" teaches how we can develop a relationship with those spirit presences who dwell in or can be psychically contacted through nature.

The Green Hedge Witch Paperback - back cover


The Green Hedge Witch Kindle Edition

Published by Hale - an inprint of The Crowood Press
February 2018
178 pages



The Way Into Farie

Published by Hale - an inprint of The Crowood Press
February 2017
144 pages

The spirituality of a fey person may be quite anarchic and entirely private, having no basis in any organised religion. So it can be a secret spirituality that informs the fey type and this may be largely experiential. It has often been perceived as a threat by people who like ideas to be tied down and under control, and by the organisations that such people have created.

Meanwhile, in much of today's world, fey people have been throughly marginalized. In this book, Rae Beth suggests ways in which we might understand Otherworldly realities without abandoning commonsense. Drawing upon her knowledge of traditional faerie lore, she shows how fey perceptions and psychic skills can serve and enhance life.

Rae Beth is a hedge witch and wildwood mystic. Her books on natural magic and spirituality are widely acclaimed, and she is regarded as an authority on witchcraft. She aims to assist people to meet with spirits and the faerie realms. Rae is a psychic counsellor, and her best-selling works include The Hedge Witch, The Hedge Witch's Way and Spellcraft for Hedge Witches.


The Way Into Farie Kindle Edition

Published by Hale - an inprint of The Crowood Press
February 2017
144 pages


Copyright © Rae Beth.

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